jeudi 28 août 2008

english and pain

ok so I'll resume the past 2 days:

tuesday: I woke up sore from my volleyball practice and except for the fact that I was walking like a penguin in school (and also climbing up the stairs), everything was ok. I had math (nothing special here), french ( 1st class) and english...

ok, so I was placed in english 2 which is low advanced english BUT after 1 class (since it was my first english class of the semester), the teacher moved me to the advanced level and I was really happy about that ^.^ so I'm thanking all of you guys (the youstreamskype gang like ralphie called us) for helping me practice my english. I really appreciate it!

wednesday: today was the school party day (there was 2 parties today - 1 in the afternoon and 1 at night with alcohol but since I don't drink there was really no point in going.) I was still sore that day and I still am today, on this thursday morning. I had my biology class at 9, then I had lunch and we were supposed to have a badminton practice but they reported it to next wednesday those goofs. So I went outside and had some corn and enjoyed the party a little bit.

Then I went to see the counselor for my "changing english class level" matter but I now I have to do my english class home which is scary in a way because I'm afraid off slacking off. pffft,u know me I WON'T. I then had my p.e. class where I had to run 12 minutes non-stop and seriously, that was painful since I had those injuries on my feet that hurt a lot! Then we started training.

Finally I had my physics class which was really really long and Sam was kind enough to give me a lift home.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I'm still going to try to pwn you at badminton :D

You make me want to miss volleyball even more. -__-

I hate how when you're done with volleyball practice, you're all sore the next day and you can't seem to walk as you usually do, which makes you kind of look weird.

diemwitt a dit…

i remember the time when i was super sore from tennis. i was waddling around the school and almost fell on my face going down the stairs. HAHAH. MISS YA OLIVER. SEND ME MY HELLO KITTY! :]