dimanche 14 septembre 2008


ok, so yesterday, I came across this video on youtube called free hugs campaign with an amazing song by sick puppies : all the same. The idea is simple: walking around with a "free hugs" sign and receiving hugs from total strangers and smiles.

This video just makes me smile and all warm inside because I think it is a great way to promote peace (even though we all know peace will never exist in this world) and now, I really want to do one (a free hugs campaign) here since it turned into a worldwide phenomenon. I shall recruit people who are willing to walk around with a sign and that are willing to receive hugs from total strangers.

I did one at anime expo (before watching the video) and had about 90 hugs in one day, I think it's quite surprising to see how people aren't afraid to hug random guys. I know some of my friends will be willing to do it (like Stéphane and Lucas) since they're not really shy people.

I shall do it soon and record it, what do you think? And I'm also calling all of you to do a campaign like this one too, don't be shy ^.^


6 commentaires:

Murdoc a dit…

haha I think its a great idea!
I saw this one vid called "Free Hugs for Christ" or something like that. It was pretty cool.
I'd totally join you if I lived closer to you. I guess I could attempt to start a campaign and record it, not sure if I'll be able to find anyone that would want to join me though.

liagiba. a dit…

FREE HUGS! I wish my school organizes that. Maybe I can ask them to arrange it or something.



diemwitt a dit…

i saw that video a long time ago,
i also watched the one they did in korea and i was like AWWWW.
there was these ladies that did it at a mall i went to over here, and my mom like whispered to me "are they really free? nothings free over here" LMAO.
thanks for such the cute compliment oliver! it made my day. yesss i have no hc date cause im a loser :[

Jason a dit…

ahha ollie.. soo old school.. use the free hugs to get the ladies eh? ;)

Anonyme a dit…

Haha, you should see how many people had "Free Hugs" signs at the anime convention I went to a few weeks ago.

Anonyme a dit…

Awww haha
I used to do that... until...
I became a germaphobe. LOL

Be careful you don't get robbed or attacked by strangers who seem friendly!

